Diretor da S7 Intercâmbio na LTM magazine

Leia os comentários de Cesar Hanke, diretor da S7 Intercâmbio sobre o uso da Web pelas agências de Intercâmbio. Reportagem veiculada na Language & Travel Magazine de Julho 2010.

* Reportagem em inglês

Expand your marketing reach

The Internet is dominating the marketing landscape, and with technology changing all the time, it’s a matter of keeping up with the latest developments. However, language travel agents must devise an integrated marketing campaign thatembraces the new, while retaining what is good of the old. Gillian Evans reports.

… Cesar Hanke, Director of Australia Brasil, Nova Zelandia Brasil & Canada Brasil, based in Brazil, believes that the most important points for effective Internet marketing are the navigability of the website, its contents – relevant information and language style – and its appearance, that is, the colours and website layout. He adds that another ingredient to success is the “great people behind the scenes to make students comfortable and safe dealing with an agency”.

… “If you don’t use [social networking in your marketing strategy] you are not talking to your potential students in the way or language they want you to,” warns Hanke.

… Hanke says advertising in student guides tends to be least effective for them. “They cost a lot of money and generate very few leads, [and it] is also really hard to track them,” he says.

… However, despite the rise of the Internet, Hanke emphasises the importance of continuing to conduct offline marketing initiatives to support the agency’s online efforts. “We are doing a lot more offline marketing than we used to do,” he says. “For example, we run over 30 free seminars per year around Brazil to bring information to potential students.”

… “You’ll never rule out personal contact, personal experience and empathy,” asserts Hanke. “Even if it is done via email, skype or phone, you will always need good people around you to make things work.”

Link para reportagem na integra >http://www.hothousemedia.com/ltm/ltmbackissues/jul10web/jul10specreport.htm


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